Monster Legends

Monster Legends is a multiplayer role-playing game where you raise an army of monsters from unhatched eggs into formidable fighters, preparing your beasts for the battlefield from the outset. With hundreds of monsters available (each with a unique skill set) and the ability to breed and create new hybrid species, virtually every player in this robust RPG commands their elite force.

As you progress in your role as Monster Master, you’ll enhance a customized Monster Paradise where your creatures reside in specially-made habitats. It’s on this island where you feed your monsters, facilitate their training, and breed them between heading out to battle or embarking on quests and other mini-games to gain experience and precious loot.

Monster Legends
Monster Legends
Developer: Unknown
Price: Free

All basic monsters have an elemental type (plus thunder, which isn’t an element, but hey) that defines their special abilities and determines what kind of habitat in which they can live. By breeding two types of monsters, say, a fire and an earth, the resulting egg will produce a monster that has abilities from both elements and can live in either one of the habitats. Breeding is simple: just drag the two monsters onto the breeding ground structure and let the magic happen.

There’s more, like the usual social features and the option to challenge other players once you reach level 10, but it’s nothing you haven’t seen before on Facebook. Monster Legends is a kind of by-the-numbers form of entertainment that works if you dig the theme and probably gives you no real joy if you don’t.

Monster Legends
Price: Free

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